Men’s #141 Tim Kiger 3/17-20, 2022
Women’s #155 Tracy Victor Graham 3/24-27, 2022
Men’s #142 Dan Craddock 6/9-12, 2022
Women’s #156 Tria Simmons 6/16-19, 2022
Men’s #143 Ervin Moore 8/18-21, 2022
Women’s #157 Rebecca Hwangbo 8/25-28, 2022
Men’s #144 Scott Gage 10/13-16, 2022
Women’s #158 Renae Gunter 10/20-23, 2022
North Atlanta Church of Christ
5676 Roberts Drive
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Send-offs will be held at North Atlanta Church of Christ starting at 6:00 P.M.
Transportation will be as we’ve done before via Bus.
Serenades will be at the Camp of Colors starting at 6:30 P.M.
The Serenade will be held in the dining hall or outside under the Pavilion at the Rector’s discretion.
Closings will start at 4:30 on Sundays.
Our 1st set of weekends begin in about 8 weeks!
North Georgia Tres Dias Family,
I had the pleasure of introducing Tim Kiger, Men’s #141 Rector the other night. He and the team are excited and preparing to serve the Candidates on March 17 – 20. Then on February 12, I will be introducing Tracy Victor Graham, Women’s #155 Rector as She and team prepare for the March 24 – 27 weekend. And the Pre-Weekend couples report that we currently have 37 men and 34 women for these weekends!
The next set of weekends will then be in June, followed in August and finishing up in October. All weekend dates and Rectors have been listed on TDNG’s website . Please continue to lift up these Rectors in prayer. They are ready to go.
The remaining weekends are open for Candidates (according to the Pre-Weekend couples). Therefore, we have room for you to sponsor candidates for these weekends! Applications can be easily submitted via our website .
Send-offs will be held at Restoration Church in Roswell starting at 6:00 P.M.
Transportation will be as we’ve done before via Bus. The Bus company currently has no restrictions for riders.
Serenades will be at the Camp of Colors starting at 6:30 P.M.
The Serenade will be held in the dining hall or outside under the Pavilion at the Rector’s discretion.
Closings will start at 4:30 on Sundays.
Camp of Colors Update
The camp is ready. The COC board had environmental engineering assessments conducted last summer and acted on recommendations for remediations. The actions taken include:
The environmental firm performed a follow-up assessment and deemed the COC ready for use.
Current NGTD COVID Practices
Secretariat members worked diligently in assessing and creating recommendations for Rectors (and the Community) to employ during a weekend. A meeting was held with upcoming Rectors to review the recommendations which include:
We cannot and do not suggest that these practices will provide 100% control of someone becoming ill during or after a weekend. Please understand that these steps are being employed to provide a safe/clean environment to our best ability.
There will be additional communications as every weekend draws near. Feel free to ask questions via the Chairman’s link at . For now, continue to pray for guidance, protection and assurance over our Rectors, Team members and Candidates.
I’m excited about 2022 and look forward to the testimonies Candidates (and team members) will share.
Stay tuned and be ready to Sponsor, engage and serve!
Steve Porter
Chairman TDNG
2022 Weekends are a go!
North Georgia Tres Dias Family,
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:15 & 16
It has been two years since our last set of weekends. Many of us have felt disconnected and lonely. We’ve experienced uncertainty, sickness, loss of friends and family. Personally, I don’t like to dwell on the hurts of the past. Yes, they exist. Yes, they hurt. But, if I truly trust and believe my Savior, then Colossians 3:15 is my reality. Therefore, I won’t hold on to past events. I’m thankful they’re nailed to the Cross. One positive outcome of this pause in our normal activities is that we have all had the opportunity to assess which activities bring values to our lives and the lives of others, one of those instruments that impacts lives is our Tres Dias community.
Brothers and Sisters, it’s time to get to work. North Georgia Tres Dias is back in the “business” of serving others! We get to witness our Heavenly Father’s grace as teams joyfully employ the practices described in Colossians 3:16 during a weekend. Are you ready to re-engage? Many have said YES!
Our 1st set of weekends start mid-March 2022. Men’s #141 begins March 17 & Women’s #155 starts March 24. Yes, about 4 months away. Our Pre-Weekend couples report that approximately 26 Men are registered for #141 and the same number of Women for #155. We still have room for you to sponsor candidates for these 1st set of weekends! Applications can be easily submitted here.
The next set of weekends will then be in June, followed in August and finishing up in October. All weekend dates and Rectors have been listed on TDNG’s website (see above). Please continue to lift up these Rectors in prayer. They are ready to go, especially after being on hold for the past two years.
Send-offs will be held at Restoration Church in Roswell starting at 6:00 P.M.
Transportation will be as we’ve done before via Bus. The Bus company currently has no restrictions for riders.
Serenades will be at the Camp of Colors starting at 6:30 P.M. The Serenade will be held in the dining hall or outside under the Pavilion at the Rector’s discretion.
Closings will start at 4:30 on Sundays.
Camp of Colors Update
The camp is ready. The COC board had environmental engineering assessments conducted last summer and acted on recommendations for remediations. The actions taken include:
The environmental firm performed a follow-up assessment and deemed the COC ready for use.
Current NGTD COVID Practices
Secretariat members worked diligently in assessing and creating recommendations for Rectors (and the Community) to employ during a weekend. A meeting was held with upcoming Rectors to review the recommendations which include:
We cannot and do not suggest that these practices will provide 100% control of someone becoming ill during or after a weekend. Please understand that these steps are being employed to provide a safe/clean environment to our best ability.
There will be additional communications as every weekend draws near. Feel free to ask questions via the Chairman’s link at For now, continue to pray for guidance, protection and assurance over our Rectors, Team members and Candidates.
I’m excited about 2022 and look forward to the testimonies Candidates (and team members) will share. Perhaps some will mirror the following statement from a favored Christian author of mine:
“My simple line of logic is that if Jesus really rose from the grave, then he really is on the throne. If he really is on the throne, then he oversees every detail of life. If he oversees every detail of life, then I can take comfort in that fact.” Max Lucado
Stay tuned and be ready to Sponsor, engage and serve!
Steve Porter
Chairman TDNG
Greetings in the name of our Lord,
Quite a bit has changed since our last communication regarding Covid-19. We are thankful that cases continue to decline, restrictions are being lifted, and life is starting to get back to a modicum of “normality.”
That said, the question of when weekends will restart has been a topic we/the Secretariat have discussed during each monthly meeting this past year. The short answer: we are planning to start weekends in 2022. This will allow Rectors to re-establish their teams, schedule meetings and prepare for weekends. This also gives the TDNG leadership time to make necessary changes to all logistics related to conducting weekends. The team planning/preparation process will begin once we have:
The COC has had an environmental assessment of the facility and is waiting on findings/recommendations. They plan to have a professional service clean the facility based on the recommendations. Then, follow-up with another environmental assessment to certify the facility as “clean.”
Our Leaders and Pre-Weekend Couples have been in communication with up-coming Rectors and Sponsors. Based on their feedback, there remains a degree of uncertainty about the participation of team members and candidates at this time.
Last year, Tres Dias International (TDI) advised communities to not hold weekends or in-person gatherings until the end of May 2021. I have recently been told that some communities, that were not hit as hard as others, have started in-person gatherings. Likewise, TDI is working on updated guidelines/advice for communities to consider. That’s great news and further encouragement of getting back on track. The Secretariat of Tres Dias of North Georgia remains focused on what’s best for our community. We will communicate appropriate guidance and procedures to maintain health and safety as we move forward.
In an effort to bring the TDNG community together and reconnect, we plan to have two face-to-face Secuelas this year. The first will be in mid July and the second will be in December. Specific details on dates and locations will be shared soon.
Yes, this past year+ has been very trying. Please continue praying for our federal and state leaders as well as each other. We will provide clear, concise information on when and how weekends will start. Until then, continue to focus on Jesus Christ because he is in control!
Thank you and may God bless,
Steve Porter
Chairman, NGTD
Tres Dias of North Georgia Update
August 24, 2020
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind stopped.
–Matthew 14:27-32
Good evening,
I pray that you and your family are healthy and safe.
It has been 3 months since my last communication. Turbulent events continue where we experience the rollercoaster of changes. There are times when we think we have a handle on them, then conditions change where we are tossed around again! Yes, it can be frustrating, confusing, and frightening if we focus on the circumstances surrounding us.
However, Jesus is in control! As we read above, Jesus told His Disciples to “not be afraid” and “come” to Him. Peter, as he walks to Jesus, focuses on the turbulence instead of the Lord. Fear takes hold, he begins to sink and then cries out to the Lord to save him. Jesus’ response? He immediately reaches out and saves Peter. They then get into the boat and the winds stopped.
Clearly there are many things that are out of our control where focusing on them misdirects us from our Heavenly Father. But when we focus on Jesus and His strength, the winds cease, we become safe and secure in our Lord and Savior.
After much continued prayer, thorough review of our TDNG Weekend format and schedule, along with the physical logistics of the Camp of Colors, combined with current Federal and State mandates for gatherings, the leadership of the TDNG Secretariat is amending the 2021 weekend schedule as follows:
These moves now will allow these Rectors and teams to establish schedules for team meetings with dates that likely can be achieved. This will also give the TDNG leadership time to make necessary changes to all logistics related to conducting weekends. Team meetings and weekends will continue when we can do them with the highest confidence in the plans and processes. We will continue to honor God as we are obedient to the health standards to follow.
Of course, we are saddened by the action of postponing weekends again. But Tres Dias isn’t only about conducting weekends. Rather, the purpose for Tres Dias is to build your leadership and help where God directs you within your church, community and home.
Actions you can implement:
These are just a few examples, the opportunities are only limited by the commitment and efforts we employ.
We will continue with virtual Secuelas, and communications to keep you informed of upcoming events and necessary changes.
Like you, I too have wondered about the “New Normal” we face and what that may mean. Right now, it is hard to answer many questions when we do not fully understand the conditions and procedures we may have to follow to conduct future weekends.
Please continue praying for our federal and state leaders as well as each other. We will traverse these turbulent waters as we continue to focus on Jesus Christ because he is in control!
Thank you and God Bless!
Rich Kroko
Chairman TDNG
Tres Dias of North Georgia Update
April 27, 2020
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.”
Philippians 4:6-7
Good Evening,
The scripture above is my prayer for each of you and your families. I also pray that this update finds you and yours healthy and safe.
It’s been 40 days since my last communication. Our world, and your families have been subjected to a tremendous rollercoaster of cancelations and changes throughout this period of time. We have each been affected in some way by this worldwide pandemic. There are times when we may feel like we understand what is happening and what our future entail, and then 10 minutes and 2 news articles later, we are more confused than ever. I am neither a community health expert or a Prophet, so I will not attempt to speculate on when or how all of this will play out; BUT, I do know that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is sovereign over us!
I am very blessed to be active in the TDNG community for the last 25 years and have watched this community grow and flourish. I have witnessed our community come together and help each other through life’s many mysteries and challenges. It is times like these, that I thank GOD for the strength of our community and each of you. What we are now experiencing, will someday be in the past and we will remember it as a defining moment in each of our lives. We now have a choice in how we will remember and respond in this time. It will be in our actions and how we come together as a Christian Community that we will define this moment of time.
There are many things that are out of our control and fixating on those will not get any of us where our HEAVENLY FATHER wants us. We can take this time and make decisions to grow and prosper both personally and as a community.
After much prayer, thorough review of our TDNG Weekend Format and Schedule, along with the understanding of the physical logistics of the Camp of Colors, combined with the current Federal and State mandates for gatherings, the leadership of the TDNG Secretariat has amended our 2020 calendar as follows:
By making these moves now, we can allow these Rectors and their teams to establish their schedules for team meetings with dates that have a greater likelihood of being achievable. We will also give our TDNG leadership the time and opportunity to make the changes necessary to conduct a weekend within the mandates of our health professionals while honoring the essentials of Tres Dias International. Be assured that we will not have a team meeting or a weekend until we can do so with the highest of confidence in the plan and process. There will be changes, but we will continue to honor GOD as we are obedient to the health standards that will become our new normal.
Although we are saddened by the action of postponing the weekends, we have taken on the challenge of how we use the next 8 months to best strengthen and grow our community. The focus of TDNG has always been and will continue to be “to train and equip men and women to be Christian Leaders in their churches, communities, and their homes.” Our current circumstances will not deter or confuse our mission, principles, or beliefs that have guided our community for the last 37 years.
This can and will be a defining moment in our TDNG community. PLEASE join me in taking what man sees as an obstacle and turn it into an opportunity to be the leaders we have been trained to be.
We do not have all the plans or opportunities identified, nor do we have the details finalized for the ones that have been discussed so far.
Actions we are putting in place:
The opportunities are only limited by the commitment and efforts we put forth. Soon you will see more information and instruction on how you can get involved to either lead or be involved in bringing these ideas into action.
Like me, I am sure that there are many questions that each of you have regarding what and how long the “New Normal” will be in place. Right now, it is hard to have answers to those questions when we do not fully understand the conditions and protocols we will have to abide by in the future. We will include an FAQ section to our web page as a communication tool as we start to get a better understanding of what our weekends will look like in the future.
Please join me in praying for our federal and state leaders along with the medical professionals that are leading us through these unprecedented times.
Thank you and GOD Bless!
Rich Kroko
Chairman TDNG
Tres Dias of North Georgia Update from Monday March 16th, 2020
Good Evening,
Please receive this update and communication as our TDNG response to the latest directives of the CDC.
To best protect our teams and candidates for the upcoming weekends we will make the following changes to our 2020 schedule.
If you are sponsoring a candidate for the April weekends, please communicate with them and see if they can adjust their schedules to work within these changes. The Pre-weekend team will do their best to make these changes work.
If you are on an upcoming team, please look for communications from your Rectors as to the changes in your scheduled meetings.
As we work through the challenges that are upon us please know that our HEAVENLY FATHER is in control and that this is not a surprise to HIM. We will continue to serve HIM and each other as we have learned from those that taught us about servant leadership.
Please pray for our Nations Leadership and the Healthcare Personnel that are leading us though this unprecedented situation.
Thank you and GOD Bless,
Rich Kroko
Chairman TDNG
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD, your GOD, will be with you wherever you go.
—Joshua 1:9
March 15th, 2020: Tres Dias of North Georgia COVID-19 Coronavirus Health Concerns Good Evening, I pray that this message finds you assured and resting in the fact that our Heavenly Father is in control and that HE hears the prayers of HIS children. We have awakened this morning to a very different Sunday morning routine, each of us have never experienced a situation like the one that is currently upon us. So, whether your church is having a public service with modified greetings or it has gone to an online service today we are all doing things a little different this morning. I would like to take this opportunity to communicate and update each of you as to how Tres Dias of North Georgia is addressing this current serious health crisis. The COVID-19 coronavirus has been categorized as a global pandemic by the CDC and WHO (World Health Organization). The International Secretariat of Tres Dias and the Secretariat of Tres Dias of North Georgia both take this as a very serious action. The health and safety of each and every Pescadore and candidate in our community is the driving force behind all decisions that will be made and enforced in all activities that take place in our community. Because news and information about the outbreak is constantly changing (sometimes by the hour), decisions will be made based on the latest information and protocols established by our local and national healthcare officials. We will make announcements in a timely manner but will not be making daily or hourly updates. Please be assured that we have been monitoring all information for the last couple of weeks and will continue to do so. We have and will continue to look at our schedules for Team Meetings, Weekends and Secuelas and will conduct these gatherings in the manner to best protect all of our community. We will adjust certain activities at our gatherings to practice good social distancing and personal interaction. It is the responsibility of each of us to protect ourselves and those around us by exercising prudent judgement when it comes to our participation in group activities. Tres Dias of North Georgia will follow the directives of the local, state and federal agencies as they pertain to gatherings using pre and post meeting procedures and protocols to ensure the safety of all involved. As of this morning we are 39 days away from the next Men’s weekend and 46 days away from the Women’s weekend. Knowing that team meetings are underway for those weekends and meetings for the next set of weekends will be starting soon the secretariat will be looking at all functions and how we best protect all of our community. If you are currently on a team please know that your rectors will be communicating directly with their teams as to schedule and any changes that might be necessary. If for any reason you feel that your personal heath would be compromised by participating in any meeting or weekend please communicate your intentions with leadership of your upcoming weekend. At this time we have not changed any TDNG scheduled weekends but we will be reviewing the current situation and will make decisions in a timely manner to allow for managing any conflicts that changes might cause. Please use this National Day of Prayer to pray for our country, it’s leadership and the healthcare professionals as they continue to guide us through this stressful time. As we are encouraged to practice social distancing, use the time to slow down and grow closer to those that mean the most to us. Rich Kroko Chairman TDNG |