Tres Dias is an interdenominational group of Christians. The Spanish Tres Dias means “Three Days” which is the length of the “weekend” that is commonly held from Thursday through Sunday. It developed from Cursillo de Christiandad or “short course in Christianity” that started in Spain during the 1940s. Tres Dias started in the US in 1972 and is overseen by Tres Dias International that is made up of laymen and clergy from around the world.
After a candidate attends a weekend, he or she becomes a Pescador (fisherman). Pescadores are encouraged to meet in small support groups to continue developing their Christian life and church leadership. There are over 50 Tres Dias communities (local chapters) in the world and over ten thousand people have attended a weekend. Weekends are sponsored and coordinated by local chapters that have been chartered by Tres Dias International.